Love the app, just a few suggestions
Navdeep Virdi
- Volume control missing in notch
- swipe gestures are a bit glitchy
- if possible, then parallely linked with both Apple Music and Spotify. Even better would be if somehow it can be a universal controller for anything playing on the Mac (like with the native Mac "Now playing" button.
- there are a couple other notch apps for Mac out there, which support notifications and other functionalities like quick notes, mirror, app shortcuts, calendar integration, msg notifications etc.
would happily buy a premium version if these can be integrated.
Love the work so far.
Susoara Koraki
The tray feature in Notchnook is great and integrating it is simple. Yes, app is simple and good, but it would be great if you add 1-2 more features unlike others. If you add 1-2 more functions, it will be great, especially for daily life.
Martin Fekete
Thanks for the suggestions!
- I want to keep the notch as consistent with Dynamic Island as possible, so I don't see a way to add this without clunking the UI. I'll keep it in mind, and maybe introduce it optionally.
- Can you please send me a recording of this behavior to I would like to polish this to feel as native as possible.
- Parallel usage of both players is on my todo list. Universal controller is unfortunately not possible for now, as it requires usage of prohibited APIs.
- My goal for Tuneful is to provide polished, native-feeling way for music control. The other apps (NotchNook comes to mind) offer a lot of functionality, but are also quite buggy in my experience. I would rather focus on smaller subset of functionality and perfect it.
If there is anything else, let me know!
Navdeep Virdi
Martin Fekete completely agree with keeping things polished, and feeling native rather than clutter up the UI. you are right, the other apps do feel quite buggy. if some extra functionality cannot be achieved without keeping the experience as smooth and clean as it is right now, then i feel it's better not to implement it.
But yes, volume control within the notch, even offered optionally, would be highly appreciated. So would be parallel usage of both players.
Also i just thought of this - podcasts app. Specifically apple podcasts. Can that be integrated, or is that also not possible like other music players?
thanks for the prompt response!